Milk Powder Plant
Milk Powder is a processed dairy product made by evaporating milk to dryness. Drying extends the shelf life of milk apart from reducing the weight and volume. Drying lowers the cost of transportation also. The initial solid in the milk varies from 7.5% to 12%...
Liquid Milk Processing Plant
Milk is widely considered as one of the world's most valuable protein food. As a raw material it is available in various forms, and it is processed into an ever increasing variety of nutritional products. SSP offers Dairy Plant that includes small milk...
Sweetened Condensed Milk Plant
We have been counted amongst the most trusted names in this domain, engaged in providing turnkey solution for sweetened condensed milk plant. Sweetened condensed milk is basically concentrated milk to which sugar has been added. Normally it contains 9% fat, 43% sugar,...
Casein & Whey Processing Plant
Whey comprises of 80-90% of the total volume of milk entering in the cheese making and casein manufacturing. Whey contains soluble proteins, lactose, vitamins & minerals. Sweet whey is produced when cheese or casein is precipitated by rennet. Acid whey is...
Malted Milk Plant
Malted Milk is a powdered food product made from mixing of standardized milk, malt extract with wheat flour, and cereal grains in such manner as to secure complete hydrolysis of the starchy material, which is evaporated until it forms a high viscous solution which is...
Evaporated Milk Plant
Evaporated Milk is a sterilized product. The product finds a large market in tropical countries. It is used where fresh milk is not available. It is also used in cooking and as a Coffee/Tea Whitener. PROCESS The manufacturing process for the evaporated milk involves...
Milk Powder Processing Plants and Machines
We supply Complete Milk Processing Plants and Machines UHT Milk Processing Plants and Machines Butter Processing Plants and Machines Casein Processing Plants and Machines Cheese Processing Plants and Machines Condensed Milk Processing Plants and Machines...
Переработки и производства экстракта солодки голой
Полезные свойства солодки Обладает противовоспалительными свойствами, оказывает кортикостероидоподобное действие Поддерживает нормальное функциональное состояние слизистой оболочки желудочно-кишечного тракта, бронхов, увеличивает продукцию защитной слизи Снижает...
Линия для производства растительных экстрактов
Важнейшей задачей переработки лекарственного растительного сырья является сохранение всего комплекса биологически активных веществ растений. Переработка лекарственного растительного сырья включает в себя следующие основные этапы: подготовка сырья, вакуумное...
Производство спирта из зерна и патоки
Спирт, полученный из зерновых – пшеницы, кукурузы и риса, относится к самым качественным и чистым продуктам. Технология получения зернового спирта отличается совершенной простотой как монтажа так и применения оборудования. Кроме того, сама линия по производству...